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Winter Skin Care Guide For 2024

Winter Skin Care Guide For 2024 Introduction: As winter blankets the world in its frosty embrace, our skin demands extra love and care. This Winter Skin Care Guide for 2024 is your ultimate companion to navigate the colder months with grace. From understanding the nuances of cold weather skincare to elevating your winter hair care routine, we’ve got you covered from head to toe. Winter Skincare Essentials The Chill Factor: Decoding Cold Weather Skincare Winter skincare goes beyond the basic moisturizing routine. It’s about understanding the unique challenges that the cold weather poses to our skin. The drop in temperature can lead to dryness and flakiness, making a robust skincare routine crucial. Hydration Heroes: Nourishing Your Skin Consider acquiring a premium  body cream  to address the challenges brought by winter. Seek out products with abundant hydrating elements, such as hyaluronic acid and shea butter. These formulations establish a protective shield against the cold...

Remedies To Get Rid Of Freckles

Remedies To Get Rid Of Freckles

If you are suffering from freckles problems and looking to get rid of with home remedies for freckles then your are at right place. In this article we are going to share the best home remedies to cure freckles which can be used by girls, boys, men and women.Freckles are tiny, flat, round and brown spots of variable sizes on the skin that are caused because of over exposure to the skin.

People having sensitive skin are more prone to have freckles even with the slightest exposure to the skin. There freckles is basically caused due to increase in the amount of dark pigment called melanin in the skin, as there are clusters of the melanin stains on the top epidermis layer of the skin. Freckles have a hereditary effect aspect to it and you are likely to inherit it if runs in your family. Freckles are usually of no medical consequence and do not generate any problem. Though it can be present all over the body, but mostly they are found in areas exposed to sun.

Types of freckles

There are two types of freckles which are mentioned below:
  • Ephelides:These are flat red or light brown spots, which generally occur during the summer months and then fade away during the winter. These types of freckles can be hereditary.
  • Lentigines:Lentigines can be small tan, brown or black spot which is darker than an ephelide. They do not get fade away in winter. It is also a genetic condition.

What are the various causes of Freckles?

  • Freckles are passed on genetically, so you are likely to have it if one or both your parents have it.
  • Hormonal imbalance also causes freckles. In this, the estrogens can over stimulate pigment producing cells causing them to generate more colours when exposed to sunlight.
  • Prolonged exposure to sunlight is also the reason which results in freckles.
  • Rare disorder like Xeroderma Pigmentosum causes an increased sensitivity to U.V rays leading to freckles.

Top Home Remedies for Freckles

The effective home remedies for freckles are given below. Follow them as they are effective in treating freckles.
  1. Sour Cream: 

                    The lactic acid in sour milk can be very beneficial in order to get rid of freckles. It is especially useful for those who have sensitive skin. Simply apply this sour cream on the affected area and let it dry for few minutes. Instead of washing it off with water, you should gently clear it off with a soft tissue or a towel. After that, apply some moisturizer on the skin. This remedy will not lead to any skin irritation or dryness. Use it at least once daily until the freckles fade away.
  2. Tomato juice:

                         Take a large ripe tomato and clean it properly using water. Mash the tomato and take out the pulp of it and apply this on the affected area of the skin. Now with the help of your index finger, start massaging the skin and allow the juice to penetrate in to the skin pores. Leave the juice on the skin for 15-20 minutes and after that wash your skin. Avoid using soap on the affected area at least for couples of hour. Follow this remedy two times a day for two weeks. By the end of the two weeks you will observe the faded freckles.
  3. Vegetable face mask:

                               Make a vegetable mask by combining two pieces of cucumber, two strawberries and a little olive oil. Mash the first two ingredients first and after that mix olive oil in order to form a paste. Now apply this paste on the affected area and allow it to dry. After some time wash it off using water. Use this remedy four times a week in order to get rid of freckles and improved skin tone.
  4. Honey:

                                        Honey is very useful remedy for fading away freckles as it contains enzymes which are helpful in lighten skin pigmentation. Being natural humectants, it is really good in moisturizing the skin. Simply mix honey and water and heat it slightly using a microwave. Just apply it on the affected skin and let it sit for few minutes. Ultimately wash the affected part thoroughly with warm water. Follow this remedy every day for several weeks.
  1. Papaya:

                                        It is another very beneficial remedy in treating freckles. Papaya contains an enzyme known as Papain. Papain is useful in lighten the freckles. Apply the juice of papaya directly on the affected skin by using a cotton ball and then gently massage the area. After 10 minutes, rinse your face with cold water. Follow this remedy once daily for about few weeks.
  1. Egg Plant:
                                             It is also used in fading away freckles as they rick in antioxidants. Cut down few slices of eggplant and gently rub it on the affected area for about 5 minutes and then rinse it using lukewarm water.


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