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TOP 10 Best Breast Lifting Exercises

  TOP 10 Best Breast Lifting Exercises To Lift & Firm your breasts From our favorite compound lifts like the chest press to dumbbell pullovers and push up variations, these 10 exercises will create perkier breasts and a toned upper body.   This post will cover: What causes sagging breasts? 10 best breast lifting exercises and programming tips breast workout WHAT CAUSES SAGGING BREASTS ? Similar to other body woes, like back fat and neck fat, there are a variety of reasons that breasts can begin to sag. The main culprits are aging, genetics, little or no exercise, posture, gravity, lack of proper support, breakdown of elastin fibers from smoking, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and having larger breasts. Let’s dig into each in greater detail. 1. Aging : Unfortunately, there’s no escaping getting older. And as we age, our bone mass and collagen decline, and our skin loses elasticity. Over time, this gives the body a more saggy or wrinkled. The Cooper’s ligaments, made up of collagen,

What is Actinic Keratosis ?

Actinic Keratosis
Actinic keratosis, also called solar keratosis or senile keratosis, is characterized by thick, scaly or crusty patches or lesions on the skin, usually on areas that receive excessive sun exposure, such as the face, ears, neck, lips, forearms and the back of the hands. It is considered a precancerous skin condition.
Actinic keratoses develop in range reaching to a quarter of an inch and may even disappear for a time. Their colors include red (most common), light or dark tan, pink or skin colored. Actinic keratoses may itch and may become inflamed and red and may even bleed.

What are the symptoms?

Actinic keratoses appear as rough, callous, scaly lesions or plaques on the skin’s surface. Although dry, rough patches are typical, actinic keratoses may also present as oozing lesions that do not heal or as thick, horny growths. Lesions may vary in color from light beige tones to dark brown and range in size from a small dot to approximately an inch in diameter. Actinic keratosis lesions may seem to appear and disappear periodically, or they may remain in place for a long period of time.

Who gets it?

The amount of sun exposure you may have had throughout your lifetime, having a light complexion, and having blond or red hair and blue or green eyes all put you at greater risk for actinic keratosis.
People who live in sunnier areas of the country and those who spend a significant amount of time outdoors because of their jobs may also be at higher risk for actinic keratosis. Actinic keratosis is most commonly observed in people age forty and older.
Treatment Options
There are several effective treatments for actinic keratosis. Your dermatologist will plan your treatment based on the type of actinic keratosis you have, your overall health and your age
