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Winter Skin Care Guide For 2024

Winter Skin Care Guide For 2024 Introduction: As winter blankets the world in its frosty embrace, our skin demands extra love and care. This Winter Skin Care Guide for 2024 is your ultimate companion to navigate the colder months with grace. From understanding the nuances of cold weather skincare to elevating your winter hair care routine, we’ve got you covered from head to toe. Winter Skincare Essentials The Chill Factor: Decoding Cold Weather Skincare Winter skincare goes beyond the basic moisturizing routine. It’s about understanding the unique challenges that the cold weather poses to our skin. The drop in temperature can lead to dryness and flakiness, making a robust skincare routine crucial. Hydration Heroes: Nourishing Your Skin Consider acquiring a premium  body cream  to address the challenges brought by winter. Seek out products with abundant hydrating elements, such as hyaluronic acid and shea butter. These formulations establish a protective shield against the cold...

Foot Care

 Foot Care

Our extremities, especially in the summer, must be treated with care ... Tips and tricks for the health and beauty of our feet.

Summer also means sandals and flip-flops ... But to get ready for the "barefoot" test, to keep them beautiful and healthy during the hot season, it is important to dedicate care and attention to the hygiene and well-being of our feet.

   What are the main attentions for our feet?

The most insidious "enemies" for our feet are shoes. When the heat is excessive, in fact, wearing shoes for many hours increases the activity of the sweat glands and, consequently, sweat. Moisture, together with the acidic pH of the skin, macerates the skin tissues and facilitates the activity of the responsible microorganisms, not only of the unpleasant odor, but also of burning, reddening and itching, excoriations, dermatitis and fungal infections. The main rule for our feet, especially if we wear closed shoes, therefore, is proper hygiene. Good practice, then, is to wash them frequently with soap and water and, above all, dry them carefully. It is also advisable to apply a specific product to our extremities with antiseptic and deodorant properties. The essence of thyme, for example, It is particularly indicated against bad smells. Attention, then, to the feeding. Garlic, onion and curry, for example, can promote the onset of a stronger odor. While excessive consumption of alcoholic or caffeine-based beverages increases the production of sweat.

How to avoid the formation of corns and calluses?

Before a holiday it can be useful to go to a podiatrist to examine our feet and eliminate any calluses or calluses. The main cause of these, painful, imperfections once again is to be found in the wrong footwear. Narrow shoes, too high or too low, for example, cause the thickening of the skin due to excessive rubbing. Furthermore, the same principle is the basis for blister formation. These phenomena, besides being unsightly, can "open the door" to bacterial infections.For this reason, therefore, a certain attention deserve the aesthetic care reserved for our feet. In addition, we must reserve our nails when using scissors or clippers. In fact, small wounds or injuries are easily infectable. A particular warning is not to cut, never,cuticles or skin. These, in fact, constitute a real natural barrier against the passage of microorganisms.

What precautions should be taken to limit the occurrence of infections?

Mycoses, the main infection of our feet, contract, above all, in contaminated wet places. Attention, therefore, to swimming pools, locker rooms, showers and public toilets. In these situations, for this reason, it is very important to wear, always, slippers that prevent direct contact with the ground. Keep the feet dry to prevent skin maceration. With the heat, therefore, banned the socks in nylon or synthetic fabrics because they prevent the natural transpiration of the feet. It is preferable, especially in case of long walks, to use cotton socks that must be changed often and washed at high temperatures. Another trick is to not always wear the same shoes.So it is better to alternate two different pairs. At the end of a tiring day, then, one of the simplest remedies is to take a foot bath with warm water and bicarbonate of sodium ... An infallible grandmother's remedy that relaxes and disinfects. A recommendation, finally, ad hoc only for ladies: remember before applying a nail polish to apply a special protective product on the nails. A good rule can be to massage, often, the nails with an emollient oil to maintain elasticity and softness.
A final warning to the sailors, then, is not to forget a nice relaxing massage ... It will benefit the body but also the mind. Taking care of our feet is one of the first steps towards a better summer.


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