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The best guide to the summer beauty routine for the Skin Hair & Body

  The best guide to the summer beauty routine for the Skin Hair & Body The last few years have shown how much we invest in our beauty: our face beauty routine is in fact becoming more and more professional, with additional steps, innovative and increasingly advanced ingredients and, for most of us, it has become an essential ritual! But, despite the ever-growing interest in beauty, we do not always dedicate the time necessary to our body care - especially in summer - to ensure that we have toned, radiant, smooth and healthy skin on the body. In general, our body's skin needs different nutrients and products to be completely healthy and balanced. Ok, many of you will be thinking that this does not concern them as they already apply some moisturizer as soon as you get out of the shower thinking that this is all we need. But this is not true! A complete beauty routine for the body can easily be reached, similar to that for the face, to ensure that results of compactness, tonicity,

Fall Skin Care Tips, Are You Ready For Cooler Weather

 Fall Skin Care Tips, Are You Ready For Cooler Weather

Fall Skin Care Tips, Are You Ready For Cooler Weather Fall brings shorter days, crisp weather and warm clothes. It’s time to unpack the sweaters and jeans and bring out the jackets and coats. The warm, humid days of summer have been replaced by cooler, drier conditions. Have you adjusted your skin care regiment for the weather change?
Fall Skin Care Tips
Don’t skip the sunscreen
Summer might be over but the need to protect your skin from the sun is a year round necessity. Invest in a daily moisturizer that includes sunscreen; look for one with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
Update your face and body cleansers 
The facial cleansers and body soaps you used during the summer were fine for oilier skin, but with the drier air of fall, they might leave your skin in need of hydration. Making the switch to a cream based product that’s gentle and hydrating will have you on the path to softer skin for the fall and winter.
Sun, heavy moisturizers, chlorine and outdoor activities can take a toll on your skin, leaving it dull and flakey. Gently exfoliating the skin once a week helps remove dead skin cells and leaves your skin smooth and renewed. Sunscreen is must after exfoliating.
Moisturize often
Drier fall air can zap your skin’s moisture. Keep your skin hydrated with daily moisturizing. The ideal time to apply moisturizer is just after your bath or shower. Save a step and include a product in your skin care regime that plays a dual role, use a daily moisturizer that includes sunscreen.
Be kind to your knees, elbows, hands and feet
Exposure to sun, sand, chlorine and salt water can leave your feet rough and dry, your elbows and knees in a need of some TLC, and your cuticles and knuckles rough and cracked. Update your skin care routine and gently exfoliate these areas and follow with a rich, creamy skin moisturizer. Adding a nightly cuticle cream can help your hands get a jump on colder winter weather.
Love your lips
Summer sun can leave your lips dull and dry. Don’t get caught with chapped, cracked lips that can get worse as the weather gets colder. Gently exfoliate your lips and apply a moisturizing lip balm that’s petroleum free and contains sunscreen with and SPF of 20 or more.


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